Friday 1 March 2013

Growing Up Online

What do you put online? Status updates? Photos? Videos? Probably when you log in to Facebook or Twitter you have a quick flick through what's on your screen at that moment, maybe scroll back to a few hours ago. You might 'like' the odd status and 'comment' on a picture and then you forget about it.

For the first time, the adolescent years of an entire generation have been documented in a whole new way. The photos that would once gather dust in a cupboard are now online for the world to see. More exciting that that, though, is that our thoughts have been captured and saved. People who would otherwise have never written a diary or journal have suddenly found themselves sharing their feelings and ideas with everyone else.

Using Facebook's timelines, you can scroll back and look at how people's appearances have changed (or not as the case may be) but you can also track how their personalities have evolved. I did this to myself the other day and was mildly amused to meet my 13-year-old self in words and pictures. I'm sure you have your own opinion about whether this is good or bad. Personally, I don't mind it and as a social experiment (intentional or not), I think it is fascinating.